Jack Steel Merchandise
We're pleased to announce a range of Squadron Leader Jack Steel Merchandise. If you are interested in buying any please contact us at the email address at the bottom of the page.

We're currently have Squadron Leader Jack Steel and the Starblade 'T' Shirts available in various shapes and sizes.
T-Shirts cost £12
We also have It's A Trap! clothing available.T-Shirts £12, Hoodies £18
We have a selection of postcards and prints available, based on artwork produced by Ben Magrath and Nigel Potter.
Set of six postcards £3
Set of three A4 prints £5

As an extra extra bonus, the CD also contains the "Squadron Leader jack Steel Song" by Bill McSweeney. Cost £10

Downloadable copies £5, Printed Copies £7.35 (+P&P).
How to buy
We keep a small stock of items, but most will be produced to order. If you would like T-Shirts, Postcards, Prints or CDs please contact us at the below address and we'll confirm the order with you and let you have details of the postage costs (we'll keep them as cheap as possible) and let you know details of our paypal account.
Scripts can be purchased direct from the Lulu Website.

All site content © It's A Trap! 2008
Wayne Bolt, Chris Burdett, Ben Magrath, Nigel Potter

Squadron Leader Jack Steel & The Starblade by It's A Trap! is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.