The Artwork of Jack Steel
The artwork for Squadron Leader Jack Steel and the Starblade has been created by two artists, Ben Magrath and Nigel Potter.
This page contains Ben and Nigel's episode artwork.
Episode 1 - Jack and Charlie having a somewhat frantic discussion over the radio
Episode 2 - Brunel reviewing the plans of the "secret project"
Episode 3 - Jack and Yvette with some unwelcome company
Episode 4 - The Mad Monk demonstrates "superior" technology
Episode 5 - Mordred and Helga's interest is piqued
Episode 6 - The Starblade in all its glory!
Episode 7 - The Starblade in action versus Quack ships
Episode 8 - In the Hall of the Qaxorian King!
Episode 9 - Bilkins meets Arianna
Episode 10 - Rasputin Reborn!
Episode 11 - Jack and Yvette meet Fingers Macginty
Episode 12 - The Starblade flies around the sun
The next page contains some of the concept art for the bad guys by Nigel Potter
Go to Page 2
All site content © It's A Trap! 2008
Wayne Bolt, Chris Burdett, Ben Magrath, Nigel Potter

Squadron Leader Jack Steel & The Starblade by It's A Trap! is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.